Beaver Creek Blog
How to Clean and Maintain Your Granite Countertop
Granite is a popular choice for countertops given its natural aesthetics and longevity. When properly maintained, it can last a lifetime and look brand new. We put together some practical cleaning and maintenance tips that will ensure you get the most out of your granite countertops. Make sure you exercise common sense when you work around granite countertops.
How to Clean and Maintain Your Quartz Countertops
Quartz, also known as an engineered stone surface, is a common material used for beautiful countertops. Cambria and Zodiaq are some common, well-known brands. Variations in the color, shade, pattern, and shape are natural and won’t affect the performance of your Quartz countertops. Learning how to care and maintain your surface is very straightforward. The material is more resistant to surface damage than comparable stone materials.
How to Care For and Maintain Your New Plastic Laminate Countertops and Cabinets
Plastic laminate is a popular choice for countertops and cabinets due to its durability, affordability, and aesthetics. Learn how to practically take care of your new plastic laminate countertops and cabinets to maintain its longevity and beauty.
Care and Maintenance Tips for Solid Surface Countertops
Solid surface material like Corian® and Hi-Macs®, among others, is a great material to use for countertops, backsplashes, food preparation areas, hot and cold cafeteria areas, vanity tops, desks and worktables, windowsills and more. Given their adaptability, longevity, and durability, solid surfaces are easily cleaned and repaired, requiring little maintenance compared to alternative materials.